Alpha January 6, 1953 ~ Omega February 23, 2023
Robbins Brothers Funeral Home on Thursday, March 2, 2023 @ 12:00 PM 204 S Fair Avenue Benton Harbor, MI 49022
Mrs. Tula Nadina Thompson is lovingly known to many as “Elect Lady” was born on January 6th, 1953. She was the oldest daughter of Luther Smith and Jettie Pearl Patton. She departed this life on February 23, 2023, in Benton Harbor, Michigan. She attended Benton Harbor High School. She enjoyed Being a supportive wife to her husband and Mother to her Children and grandchildren, she was a mother to many she Loved children and teaching and helping others that were in need. She had a big heart, her hobbies was collecting coupons and being a bargain shopper, she loved shopping for herself and others. She loved her fashion, especially her hats, some of her favorite foods were bologna, Beef salami, Crackers, and Chicken, and dumplings.
Tula married her husband Minus Thompson, Sr. on November 21, 1970, and has been in union for the last fifty-three years, and they have six children whom she loved dearly. Elect Lady was a strong woman, who Love the Lord and lead by example, a natural-born leader. She was loving and outspoken, she told it like it was out of love, she was Humble Observative Kind, and Beautiful. Click here to continue reading ....
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